Monday, April 1, 2019


by nick nelson

last night i had the strangest dream

i was walking down a street in a dark city

and there were no mcdonalds

and no burger kings

and no starbucks

and no tall buildings with a starbucks on the first floor

and no tall buildings

and no buildings

and no sidewalks

and no people talking on their phones

and no people talking to themselves

and no people asking for spare change

and no spare change

and no money

and no banks

and no buses

and no cars

and no drivers

and no airplanes in the sky

and no helicopters in the sky

and no stars in the sky

and no moon in the sky

and no sky

i continued down the road

down the dusty road

with no mcdonalds

with no burger kings

with no burgers

not even cheeseburgers

and no cows

and no chocolate smoothies

and nobody behind the counter to make a chocolate smoothie

and no saints

and no sinners

and no angels

and no demons

only a dragon

and st george

i asked st george for a nickel

the dragon threw me a lousy dime

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