Thursday, November 8, 2018

in the grass

by wiggly jones, "the little hippie boy"

the lamb eats the grass

the grass has a bug in it and the bug escapes before the lamb eats it

the lion eats the lamb

the human shoots the lion, with a gun he did not make himself

which shoots a bullet he did not make himself

the human does not eat the lion

instead he goes to a restaurant and eats the roasted flesh of a cow killed six thousand miles away

by a human other than himself

the head of the lion is removed and made a trophy for the human

the rest of the lion is processed into food for dogs

the human has a dog - the only creature besides himself that he much cares for

he gives the dog, whom he has brought with him to the restaurant, a small slice of the cow

the dog is grateful that he gets to eat the roasted cow instead of the processed lion

the human eats a salad along with his roasted cow flesh

he finds a bug in it

the same bug who escaped from the grass as the lamb was eating it before being eaten itself by the lion that the human shot

the human is angry at finding the bug in his salad

he summons the manager of the restaurant and demands that the cook who prepared the salad and the waiter who brought it to him both be fired

the manager complies with the request and fires the cook and the waiter

the cook goes home and watches a television show about an intergalactic war in the year 10 million a d

the war is between the forces of good and the forces of evil

the forces of good are commanded by a beautiful young woman

the forces of evil are commanded by a man with the head of a dragon

the waiter goes home and gets drunk and falls asleep and dreams

in the dream he is a lion

a lamb. a cow, a dog, and a bug are his best friends, and they go in search of a lost city and have wonderful adventures

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