Wednesday, October 9, 2024

spacious skies - 18. uncle joe

by american joe

part 18 of 40

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to begin at the beginning, click here

uncle joe, where are you going?

just out for a walk.

be careful out there, and don’t get into trouble. the world has changed since you have been away.

i have tried to tell you. we all had cell phones, and we did not do much except look at them all day. so i probably know more about the modern world than somebody like you who had to work.

if you say so. but i still say - be careful and keep out of mischief.


good afternoon, madam. may i ask you a question?


good afternoon, sir. may i ask you a question?

i don’t think so.

you do not think so? why do you not think so? what could i say to make you change your mind and perhaps be receptive to listening to my question?

it was just a manner of speaking. i do not want any part of your question, or any part of you. get lost.

certainly, sir, i had no intention of offending. i wish you well, and hope in the future you become more open to experience in your passage through this curious universe.


good afternoon, sir.

sir? do i look like a sir to you? apologize, or i will summon a policeperson and have you arrested for misgendering me.

i am sorry, madam. i meant no harm, i have read of such things in my sincere attempt to keep up with the rapid changes in modern civilization, but i have been away.

away where? there is no away any more.

i have been a missionary in darkest africa.

there is no more darkest africa. i see that you are a racist and a colonialist and a fantasist or a confidence man as well as a transphobe.

wow, man, i mean madam, that’s harsh.

and did you get that dead fish complexion in darkest africa? i will tell you where you got it - in prison.

you got me.

i know a scam artist like you - from a thousand miles away.

i congratulate you on your perspicacity. perhaps we could do business together. allow me to introduce myself.


so how did your walk go?

could have been better,, could have been worse.


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