Saturday, November 25, 2023

are you even trying? - 1. the old story

by nick nelson

part one of 23


billy the kid was a boy.

he wanted to meet a girl.

he had to go on a quest.

but first he had to do one last job.

he went to see the big guy.

the big guy was the man.

he ruled the town with an iron fist.

billy had always shown him respect.

you know, mr capone, billy addressed the big guy, there are plenty of young fellows who are bursting with sass and vinegar who would like to prove themselves and could do this job just as good as me or better.

that is all very well, mr capone replied somberly, looking billy straight in the eye, as he always did, but this is a particularly meaningful job for me, and you are the only person i can trust to do it.

with such an appeal as that, billy had no choice but to go along.

in due course billy found himself standing outside the big house of mr b, the richest man in the world.

the night was dark. a cloud passed over the moon.

the house was strangely quiet.

there was no sign of any bodyguards, or any dogs or other ferocious beasts, or any dragons , or of mr b himself, or of his daughter juliet b, whom billy was to kidnap and deliver to mr capone.

billy exerted his mind. one of things that made billy the most deadly assassin the world had ever known, was his tremendous mind power. if he thought real hard about something, he could usually know where exactly in the universe it was located.

where was mister b? and even more important, where was juliet b?

billy closed his eyes and thought real hard.

when he opened his eyes, juliet b was standing in front of him.

the cloud had gone away from the moon, and juliet was standing there in the moonlight.

she was not wearing a white dress, or even a red dress or a low cut dress, but she was standing in the moonlight.

billy could not take his eyes off her.

it was the beginning of the end.


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