Friday, October 27, 2017

frankie and johnny and eddie

by corinne delmonico

frankie and johnny were lovers

frankie was johnny’s girl

eddie was johnny’s best friend

he started messing around with frankie

because that was the kind of guy eddie was

the kind of guy who would steal his best friend’s girl

johnny got mad

where do you get off, he asked eddie, stealing my girl?

hold it right there, said frankie

i’m not your girl or anybody’s girl

get it straight, you mugs, i don’t belong to anybody

except to myself, you got that?

and with that frankie blew some smoke in the general direction of the mississippi river

johnny and eddie were struck dumb

they did not know what to say

they both left town the next day

johnny entered a monastery and became brother john

in time he became head monk

under his guidance the monastery regained its reputation for sanctity

but its vineyards lost some of their luster

eddie hitchhiked to memphis

where he fell in with a guy known as mean old stagger lee

eddie and stagger lee began holding up banks and jewelry stores from kansas city to pittsburgh

they got in a shootout outside evansville indiana

a federal man’s bullet found the heart of stagger lee

eddie got 99 years

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