Thursday, September 26, 2024

spacious skies - 5. ordinary

by american joe

part 5 of 40

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something is going to happen to me today.

something already happened to you today. you got up and got dressed. then you come over to the barber shop, and then it got too hot to stay inside and you come out on to the porch. ain’t that something?

i meant something a little more out of the ordinary.

who is to say what is ordinary? a chinaman living in africa or philadelphia might think this here is quite extra-ordinary.

someone is coming.

someone who is going to change your whole way of living.

more likely someone who is going to try to sell me something.

and are you going to buy the something?

not likely. but i feel somebody coming.

i am looking down the road i don’t see nobody. and no dust.

too hot for the stagecoach. andy ain’t coming out on a day like this exceptin with a shotgun at his head.

this feller ain’t coming on the stage. or on a horse.

damn, it’s hot. what then.

on one of then new motorcars maybe.

no motorcars coning out here. ain’t no roads for them.

and they need to be gassed up, you know how much gas they would have to carry even from denver, let alone from chicago or paris france?

maybe he is coming on one of them balloons.

need a breeze for that.

how do you know it’s not a woman?

now that’s a thought.

hold on to it.

a woman that is going to sell me something.

herself, most likely.

if she ever gets here.

i just felt it again. somebody is coming.

in the distance, the hills did not move.

neither did the road.

the sun moved, if you cared to look at it.


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