Wednesday, September 25, 2024

spacious skies - 4. the philosopher

by american joe

part 4 of 40

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you know what they say.

no, what might that be?

if you sit on a log long enough, henry will come along.

is he coming long now?

here he is now, hello, henry.

hello, guys.

what’s going on, henry?

i was just walking past sadie’s and she has a really tasty sounding special today. rabbit stew with peas. and cheap.

i don’t doubt it. cheap enough for you to buy it?

well, you see, that is the problem. cheap as it is, i do not have quite enough to cover it.

sounds like a story old as man.

old as me anyway.

well, henry, as you probably heard, mister khan the oil man is planning to clear out some of the wilderness and build a new pleasure dome to which folks will flock from far and wide, and there will be all sorts of opportunities for strong men to make an honest dollar working on it.

listen to the man, henry. and while the pleasure dome is being built all sorts of enterprises that the hard working men can spend their money on will sprout like the proverbial mushrooms. forget rabbit stew - steak and fried potatoes every night - not to mention champagne and roulette wheels and women.

that is all very well, mister frank, but that is all in the uncertain future and i am hungry right now. and besides i am not what might be called a strong man, and never have been. and i got other things on my plate.

besides sadie’s rabbit stew, you mean.

exactly. i got my magmun opus to work on.

oh, right, your maggot popus. working on it hard, have you?

i been thinking about it. thinking real hard.

and all that thinking makes you hungry.

come on fellows, it is too warm a day to be picking on a poor philosopher. can you spare a couple of dimes, or can’t you?

we will think about it.

and thinking makes us hungry.

and thirsty.


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