Thursday, October 17, 2024

spacious skies - 26. dawes

by american joe

part 26 of 40

for previous episode, click here

to begin at the beginning, click here

joe and officer mudlark watched as officer toots knocked on the door of the gray house with red trim.

the door opened immediately, quicker than it had when joe knocked earlier.

the same surly individual opened the door.

hello, toots said, i am with animal services, and i wonder if you know anything -

about that dog? i don’t know nothing about that dog, or any other dog. i never seen it before, like i told the other guy.

my name is officer toots. lou toots. what’s yours?

my name is charles g dawes, not that it’s any of your goddamned business. what do you want to know my name for? i’m a citizen and i know my rights.

no need to get upset, mr dawes, i just thought that maybe you might remember something and want to contact us.

no way!

well, in that case, i won’t trouble you further. have a nice day, sir.

charles g dawes slammed the door in toots’s face.

toots walked back to where joe and officer mudlark were standing.

he doesn’t know anything, he told mudlark.

she nodded. all right.

can i go now? joe asked.

mudlark raised her eyebrows. go? you want to go? don’t you want to see how this turns out?

turns out? i thought someone would just come and take the poor dog away. or that you would.

well, if you are in such a hurry to leave, we won’t keep you. but we might have some questions for you later.

about what? joe thought. aloud, he said, do you want my address, phone number?

don’t worry, mudlark said, we can find you.

toots and mudlark watched joe walk away.

you notice how he said, the poor dog? mudlark asked. like he’s this real sympathetic character?


charles g dawes watched toots and mudlark put the dog in their vehicle and drive away.

sons of bitches, he thought, nosey interfering sons of bitches, treading on a man’s privacy.

don’t tread on me! he said aloud. dawes talked to himself aloud a lot.

he went back downstairs to his basement.

to be continued

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